At my last park in Arizona, I had coffee in the morning with the women staying there, and got to know them a little. The men were there too, but they sat at another table. What?!? Don't you think that's a little strange?
I was looking for a campground in my 50%-off book, and found a park that catered to Loners on Wheels - actually owned by them. Since I'm a Loner on Wheels I decided to join the group. My fees were then even less, so it was a very reasonable rate. There were more social activities there. I went to Happy Hour, Lets Eat Out, the weekly trip to Mexico, pot-luck supper and played cards. It was fun to have more contact with people on a daily basis. There is a group of Loners in New England, so maybe I'll meet people who want to caravan.
The winds in New Mexico were verrry, verrry, verrry strong. One day I was sure I was going through a Nor'easter, but, instead of snow, it was swirling around sand and dust, and tumble weeds - under the rig, under the car, climbing on top of each other up the fence. The mountains were gone from sight, covered by this brown haze. I pulled in the slider and Skittles and I just rocked back and forth with the rig. When I walked in this, I held my hood down over my face, and looked at the ground right in front of my feet. Sometimes I turned my back to it and walked backwards (just like a blizzard). I should have walked frontwards with my head up, and given my face a skin abrasion treatment. Ah well. I'm sure there will be more opportunities.
When I was at Loners On Wheels, a couple people were talking about Chaco Canyon(?) near the 4 corners - more ancient dwellings. It sounded so exciting. I really wanted to see it, but I expected I would have to wait until some summer trip, 'cause it's cold up there. In the summers it is crowded. I'm thinking of trying to go there - maybe park nearby, and take trips by car to the sites. I hate to be this close and not see it. We'll see!!
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