Last Thursday, Feb 3, I left Sebring, FL. I was moving my rig off the lot at 11:00, as the new inhabitants were moving on the lot. Maintenance had to come to get my sewer hook-up unhooked, and Skittles, the escape artist, was waiting for me, jumped over my head, and took off before I actually got off the lot. So, parking my rig on the street, I searched for her in the rain with many great neighbors helping. Finally, we were out and on our way to Ft Pierce, FL.Setting up in Ft Pierce was quick - 20 minutes at the most - easy, easy.
On Friday, I drove to Jupiter (by car, not spaceship) and caught up with my cousin, Heather. It had been about 16 years since we had seen each other, and it was so much fun catching up. We talked and talked. At 2:30 we met her youngest, Jacob, at the bus stop. What a cutie!! It took him about 10 minutes to win my heart. I left before Nicholas got home, and Holland was in VA, but I got to hear all about them. WHY, WHY, WHY didn't I take pictures?
Saturday, I visited the marina in Ft Pierce. I checked out a craft/art fair, the manatee observatory/museum, and then the Navy Seal museum. I saw around 8 manatees in the warm water of the river to the marina. Gentle giants. They were so much fun to watch, but my pictures don't show them well at all. The Navy Seal museum was fascinating. It was actually information about the people trained in underwater demolition, which led to Navy Frogmen and Seals. In WWII there was a large loss of life when the military attempted a beach landing. They began a training site at Ft. Pierce to prepare specially talented individuals to take out underwater impediments to prepare sites for landing crafts. "Twas fascinating. I spent more time there than I thought I would. Of course, seeing all those pictures of fit bodies, was pretty nice too.
Sunday morning I started packing up to move down to the Keys. The cat Houdini got out of her halter, and free. How does she do that?? I chased her for a while, to the amusement of my neighbors. As I emptied the black water with my fancy new attachment, it came loose, and spilled on the ground. DISGUSTING!!! I'm glad I had my vinyl gloves on, Chuck!! Otherwise I might have had to cut off my hands. After cleaning that up, Skittles let me catch her and put her in the coach. Then I lost my keys. And, again... Houdini slipped under my legs, and was gone!! This is getting old. Luckily, one of my neighbors brought out a dog, and Skittles let me catch her. A neighbor found my keys - yeah!!! I finally left - about 2 hours later than planned. Florida Keys!!!! - here I come!!!!
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